Among the many smartphones ZenFone 2 series released by ASUS, ZE551ML series is the highest. But in fact, the highest variance that brings Intel CPU is actually much later got upgraded OS Marshmallow.
Two series ZenFone 2, namely ZenFone ZenFone Zoom and Laser had already got the operating system upgrade Marshmallow. Then when ZenFone 2 ZE551ML can taste the new OS? The answer is now.
ASUS has officially released the Android operating system updates for ZenFone 2 ZE551ML Marshmallow. OS size is 1.19 GB and can be directly downloaded via the official ASUS website. At the website, select the Android OS, and select a category firmware. You can download her there.
Actually you can also download and install OTA. But you have to wait for this OS update notifications to appear. Marshmallow on the Android OS Upgrade ZenFone 2, in addition to improving performance, also eliminates a variety of bloatware apps that were previously installed automatically.